Dopo l’annullamento dei mondiali 2020 e il posticipo di quelli previsti, sempre in Thailandia nel 2021 un grande novità si affaccia nel mondo della corsa in montagna. La WMRA in collaborazione con Asd Madonna della Neve/Lagunc: comitato organizzatore di Val Bregaglia Trail/Lagunc Vertikal, ha deciso di istituire la WMRA Nations Cup, gara internazionale per rappresentative nazionali in programma all’interno del Val Bregaglia Trail del prossimo 31 ottobre. La consueta gara per l’occasione presenterà un percorso “speciale” di 19km con dislivello +650 e -1000mt. Alla Nations Cup ogni nazione potrà schierare un massimo di 4 atleti di cui 3 porteranno punteggio per stilare la classifica finale. Alla gara competitiva open si affiancherà anche una camminata non competitiva di 7km con partenza dalle Cascate dell’Acquafragia. Tutti i dettagli:
In 2021, due to the Corona pandemic situation, for the second consecutive year, a World Mountain Running Championships was not able to be held. The WMRA member federations have selected teams, the runners were working hard and had a the goal to be ready for the most important Mountain Running race of the year. To enable at least one International race in the season for National teams, the WMRA decided to organise a new competition, called the WMRA Nations Cup to allow National teams to compete against each other.
The WMRA have decided to work together with an experienced race and organisation team and have chosen a traditional Mountain running event that takes place on October 31st. Here are the details of the event:
– The WMRA Nations Cup takes place on 31st October at the Val Bregaglia Trail
– Location is in Chiavenna, Italy that is in the Northern region of Lombardy close to the Swiss border
– Course will be approximately 19km with elevation of +650m, -1000m for Women and Men
– Teams of max 4 Women and 4 Men can participate with 3 runners to count for the teams category. There will be only Senior categories but Junior aged runners (18/19yr) may also participate in the Senior category.
The WMRA is very pleased to be able to bring together our member federations for an event which will respect all current Covid-19 protocols and we would like to thank our race organisation and the Italian Federation (FIDAL) for their support in being able to offer this competition for our Mountain Running athletes.
Jonathan WYATT
WMRA President