E’ il tedesco del Team Salomon Germania Philip Reiter il trionfatore dello Zugspitz Ultratrail. Il 23enne dopo i due successi riportati nelle ultime edizioni della gara più corta si è imposto nella distanza regina in 11h11’31” mandando in visibilio il pubblico assiepato sul rettilineo d’arrivo. Seconda piazza per il neozelandese Armstrong Vajin. Terzo posto per il veterano tedesco Matthias Dippacher (GER). In campo femminile vittoria per l’ungherese Ildeko Wermescher nell’incredibile crono di 13h45’01″7 che le è valsa pure la 23^ piazza assoluta. Seconda la francese Laetitia Pibis e podio completato dall’americana Dreama Lehman. Classifica assoluta maschile http://www.datasport.com/live/?racenr=15691&m=rl&k=10 Classifica assoluta femminile http://www.datasport.com/live/?racenr=15691&m=rl&k=20 After two consecutive victories on the Supertrail, Philipp Reiter (GER, Team Salomon Deutschland) decided it was finally time to go all the way. He signed up for the 100km-Ultratrail course and not in vain! Philipp Reiter handily secured a third victory in Grainau proving once and for all that he is truly a world-class trail runner. Any 23-year-old would have lots of time left to develop his or her talent further, but Philipp Reiter already seems to have all he needs to conquer – the physique and the mind. His time of 11:11.31,8 hours earned him thunderous applause as he ran into the finish area seemingly unspent. Reiter’s lead on his closest competitor, Armstrong Vajin (NZ), was no less than 17 minutes, a clear dictum on where he is at in his young career. Yet, the jubilant victor was more than glad to call it a day shortly after 6 pm. Before heading off for a much-deserved rest break, he shared: “Of course I’m really happy that after two victorious Supertrail races, I was able to claim the Ultratrail distance as well. I’ve never run such a long race and the Ultra felt incredibly long with so many ups and downs. If I was asked tonight if I’d do it again, I wouldn’t opt for the Ultra. It’s insanely long. Still, my race went surprisingly well. Sometime along the way, I found out that my lead was just six minutes. That’s not particularly much! And for that reason I risked to go full-throttle [until the finish]”. No racer had to endure a longer trip or travel through more time zones to get to the 2013 SALOMON ZUGSPITZ ULTRATRAIL than Kiwi Vajin Armstrong. That investment of time and effort was rewarded though as the 33-year-old came in second place on his first jaunt to the ‘Old World’. His satisfaction was palpable after so many hours of having to fend off the friendly but unrelenting competition. At some point, he even noticed that he was gaining on [victor] Philipp, but on the last climb “just didn’t have enough strength left. At that point I fell back again. Overall, I’m just amazed by the natural environment here in the [Northern Alps]”. Third to claim a podium position was runner-up Matthias Dippacher (GER), a veteran racer who started the day on a bit of a sour note, only to be all-the-more excited about the outcome. “I felt poorly right from the outset of the race. When the sun then started pouring through the clouds I even experienced circulatory problems. At some point, I even asked Search & Rescue personnel to for water. That was the day’s low. From then on I recovered though. The second half of the course went really well. Since I ran without GPS or pulse monitor, I had a poor idea on where I was in the fog up high. All the better that it worked out for third place, especially because the international competition was way strong!” Defending champion Ildeko Wermescher of Hungary proved once more to run in a class of her own among the Women. Her performance of covering the 100 kilometers in just 13:45.01,7 hours was exceeded Philipp Reiter’s by barely two-and-one-half hours – truly a formidable pace to write home about. “I had a lot of fun racing today and was able to bite off 4 minutes of my previous winning time. In the end, only 22 men finished ahead of me. I didn’t notice any competition of my own and, as such , just ran my pace. It wasn’t until I arrived at the finish that I heard about my lead over [the others]. I didn’t experience any problems while running”. Laetitia Pibis of France, hardly a slouch herself, faced more difficult times along the way and arrived in second place 75 minutes after the winning time. Dreama Lehman (USA) came in third, elated about finishing with a podium position.
Home page » Philip Reiter a 23 anni e all’esordio, vince la 100km Zugspitz Ultratrail!
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