Ecco a voi il programma delle attività del weekend. News also in english REWOOLUTION GARDA LAKE RAID PROGRAMMA ATTIVITA’ SABATO ‐ 1 Ottobre 2011 ORA LUOGO ATTIVITA’ ORE 10.00 Colonia Pavese Apertura Area Espositiva ORE 10.00 Colonia Pavese Stand Cube Bikes: Test MTB gratuito* ORE 10.00 Shaka Surf Center Test Sup*** ORE 12.30 Colonia Pavese Apertura bar ORE 17.00 Colonia Pavese Esibizione di Slake Line e prove libere con gli istruttori di Friends Of Arco ORE 21.30 Colonia Pavese Rewoolution Garda Lake Raid Party ‐ Dj Fronza DOMENICA ‐ 2 Ottobre 2011 ORA LUOGO ATTIVITA’ ORE 9.00 Colonia Pavese Apertura Area Espositiva ORE 9.00 Colonia Pavese Stand Scott Italia e Cube Bikes: Test MTB gratuito * ORE 9.30 Colonia Pavese Partenza gara** ORE 10.00 Shaka Surf Center Test Sup*** ORE 11.30 Colonia Pavese Apertura bar ORE 16.00 Colonia Pavese Conclusione gara ORE 16.30 Colonia Pavese Esibizione di Slake Line e prove libere con gli istruttori di Friends Of Arco A seguire Colonia Pavese Premiazione Per maggiori informazioni rivolgersi in loco presso il RACE OFFICE. NB: * Presentando un documento di identità potrete prendere in prestito una mountain bike e testarla per un’ora sui sentieri di Nago‐ Torbole. ** Segui gli atleti lungo il percorso di gara, chiedi indicazioni c/o il Race Office per sapere quali sono i punti più spettacolari del tracciato. *** Posti limitati per testare gratuitamente i Sup nelle giornate di sabato e domenica. EWOOLUTION GARDA LAKE RAID PROGRAMM ATHLETE Saturday 1st October 2011 HOUR PLACE ACTIVITY H 10.00 am Colonia Pavese Opening Race Office + Check material H 02.00 pm Le Busatte Opening night’s passing area + shrinkage tends* H 06.30 pm Colonia Pavese Closing Race Office and Check material H 07.00 pm Colonia Pavese Race Meeting H 07.45 pm Colonia Pavese Aperitif H 07.45 pm Colonia Pavese Slake Line Show and free test with instructors H 21:30 pm Colonia Pavese Rewooluton Garda Lake Raid Party ‐ Dj Fronza Sunday 2nd October 2011 HOUR PLACE ACTIVITY H 6.30 /8.00 am Le Busatte Breakfast + tend return H 8.00 pm Colonia Pavese Opening personal items deposit + Change H 9.00 pm Colonia Pavese Closing personal items deposit + change H 9.30 pm Colonia Pavese Race Start H 02.00 /04.30 pm Colonia Pavese Pasta Party H 04.00 pm Colonia Pavese Race conclusion Following Colonia Pavese Prize giving NOTE: Race meeting is an obligatory appointment. During the prize giving will be a prize draw for all participants. * Tends could be withdrawn until 09.30 pm. REWOOLUTION GARDA LAKE RAID PROGRAMM ACTIVITY Saturday 1st October 2011 HOUR PLACE ACTIVITY H 10.00 am Colonia Pavese Opening exhibition area H 10.00 am Colonia Pavese Stand Cube Bikes: Free Test MTB * H 10.00 am Shaka Surf Center Test Sup*** H 12.30 am Colonia Pavese Opening Bar H 05.00 pm Colonia Pavese Slake Line Show and free test with instructors Friends of Arco H 09:30 pm Colonia Pavese Rewooluton Garda Lake Raid Party ‐ Dj Fronza Sunday 2nd October 2011 HOUR PLACE ACTIVITY H 9.00 am Colonia Pavese Opening exhibition area H 9.00 am Colonia Pavese Stand Scott Italia and Cube Bikes: Free Test MTB* H 9.30 am Colonia Pavese Race Start ** H 10.00 am Shaka Surf Center Test Sup*** H 11.30 am Colonia Pavese Opening bar H 04.00 pm Colonia Pavese Race conclusion H 04.30 pm Colonia Pavese Slake Line Show and free test with instructors Friends of Arco Following Colonia Pavese Prize giving NOTE: During the event visit the Race office for further information . *It’s possible to utilize a mountain bike and test it for an hour through Nago‐Torbole’s path by showing an identity card. ** Visitors can fallow athletes along race’s course, you can ask more information at Race Office to know the best places of the course. *** Limited places to freely test Sup on Saturday and Sunday.